Sunday, May 8, 2011

What A Week!

Since last Friday (4/29/2011) my world has been rocky and unstable. I keep waiting for me to find my bearings again, but so far to no avail. On April 27,2011 a young man was killed in Afghanistan, he was a friend of my husband. He was only 20 years old- just a baby. It hit me hard, it brought reality to my doorstep. People were out there near my husband dying and being seriously injured- he was in danger. I'd been able to deal with this whole deployment thing fairly well up to this point because it was winter and the locals stay shut inside their little mud huts, dreaming of the sun and the day they can put our men in harms way. Well, now their dreams are coming to fruition and we are left to pick up the pieces.

I've had so many moments this week (which in case you were wondering has felt like a MONTH)of just sitting on the floor in my kitchen and crying. R & R was wonderful, and horrible. It has made me feel the hole where Kevin usually is even more, and made me ache to have him home with us where he belongs. I am so incredibly proud of my husband (and the men around him) for doing what he is doing- but dammit, this sucks. I want him home watching our new son smile for the first time, roll over and laugh. I want him home to rough house with our oldest boy and to be here for me. Then I remember he's out there doing this for all the men and women who will never come home. He's doing it so he CAN come home to safety and be with us. He's doing it to protect us. I remember these things, pull myself off the floor and keep going.

I want him home, but not at the cost of someone else's life. I don't want him to find any excuse to come home, they need him out there. I'm ok, I'm strong...Army Wife Strong and I can do this.

below are a selection of army wife quotes:

"Army Wife, You try doing this shit."

"Army Wife; I live, breathe and walk amongst the bravest of heroes"

"Army Wife; sucking it up & driving on"

1 comment:

slcslc said...

It did get so real with last weeks' news. I feel you. What can you do but have Take your kitchen floor moments, it wouldn't be healthy not to. My hat is off to you, to your army wife strength. luve u.