Monday, May 9, 2011

Feeling Like A Bad Mom, and Trying To Feel Better

I feel like a failure as a Mother lately. There are days where I just can't seem to keep my son under control, keeping us eating healthy and keeping myself well rested. I feel overwhelmed by housework, cooking meals, changing diapers and paying bills. I constantly compare myself to my older sister and how well behaved her kids are. It's hard to raise a toddler and a new baby at the same time, late nights caused by the latter make it hard to wake up early because of the former.

I started watching "Desperate Housewives" tonight, and while I know it's a TV I've found someone I can relate to, Felicity Huffman's character, Lynette Scalvo. She's an overwhelmed frazzled mom, my soul sister. Suddenly I felt better about how my son behaves and how I try and deal with my everyday life. She has points where she doesn't know what to do to get her boys under control, and even resorts to some desperate (no pun intended) crazy measures. (I/E: leaving them on the sidewalk in her neighborhood to try and get them to behave in the car, "if you can't behave, you can't ride") Finally, someone else who didn't seem to always have the answers of how to deal with a toddler.

I thought, if someone wrote this character, maybe someone else had been there. I feel better, I've found someone to connect with, and can relate to. So yes, my kid my have melt downs, temper tantrums and misbehave from time to time. He may eat peanut butter sandwiches and corn dogs more often than most kids. I may be sleep deprived and nod off during the day occasionally and may not play with him 24/7, but that's ok, I love my son. I teach him to count and his colors, I cuddle with him and read to him. They're both fed, rested, warm and adjusted...and I'm a good mom.


d.a.b.e said...

You can relate to ME!! I feel the same way. I get so frustrated and overwhelmed. My daughter is at her not listening to me stage and it makes me feel like im almost out on patience. And as far as housework...i am so ove it. haha. Its like im constantly washing those same dishes over and over, or folding the laundry over and over or mopping those same spots on the tile again and again. Hang in there. You are not alone in this mommy way of live. Like you said, so what if your kid has a fit or doesnt behave all the time, you are still a great mom for spending time with them and taking care of them , for being for them and loving them!!! Love ya girly! call or text anytime...480-277-5110

d.a.b.e said...

wow sorry for all the errors and missing words. hope you can understand what I meant....

slcslc said...

I've never watched Desperate Housewives, I love the sound of that character though.

You're a good mom Mandi. Your kids know they are loved and you're raising boys that do and will spread that love around. Just with that alone you are making the world a better place with pnut butter sandwiches and corndogs on top!