Thursday, January 19, 2012

Homeopathic Remedies

Does anyone else HATE getting antibiotics? I hate it, they make my stomach upset, they ALWAYS give me a yeast infection, they interfere with my birth thanks I'd rather not take them. Last week M, J, the BF (D), and I all had a cold or the flu and it was NASTY! Cough, mucous, swollen sinus, irritated throats, aches, pains, headaches the works! It was awful! So, being the "natural" cure girl that I am, I slathered my boys and myself with oils. A particular oil called Deliverance that my Mom gets from Butterfly Express . Immediately we started feeling better, the boys were better in a matter of a few days. I took a bit longer because I kept forgetting to put oils on myself.

My ex husband, didn't put any stock in the oils- so I didn't offer any to D, because I didn't want to go thru the whole "you're weird" thing again. But we went to visit my parents over the weekend, my mom offered D oils, we put them on him and he was sold! He felt better the next morning! I had a horrible headache from sinus pressure all day saturday and well into sunday morning, my Mom put oils on my spine and forehead and not 10 minutes later I went to blow my nose and I could FEEL the mucous moving out of my sinuses! I love oils, I used one while I was pregnant called "Letting Go" for me, it mimicked the same effects of taking my Zoloft (I am a HIGHLY anxious person, the Z helps me deal with things I can, and let go of what I can't). I used oils for the first 9 hours of my labor with my first child to help relax and progress the labor.

I believe that on this Earth we are provided with everything we need to treat diseases and disorders naturally. Now, I'm also not naive enough to think "Lets just ignore modern medicine entirely" either, there is a time and place for modern medicine. I had 2 C-sections, I wouldn't be attempting those at home alone. But for a treatment of a yeast infection, or the like I'm confident in a homeopathic remedy.

Homeopathic Treatments I Use:

*Yeast Infection- 2 Cups warm water, 6 tbsp cider vinegar and douche bottle. (you can pick up douche at the $1 store, dump out the mixture and rinse out the bottle really well)

Mix the water and CV, pour into the douche bottle and insert into vagina. Use all the water/CV mixture. You can do this 2 times a day, anymore than that I find irritates and drys out the vaginal walls.

I use this at the first sign of a yeast infection and it's usually gone in about 2 days. Another treatment I've used is a tampon soaked in PLAIN yogurt.

*Sinus Infection- 3 tbsp of CV in one glass of water, DRINK QUICK. or do less CV in MORE glasses of water. You find immediately that the mucous thins and starts coming out easier.

*Sore Throat- hot water, honey and lemon. My favorite remedy for a sore throat.


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