Sunday, July 11, 2010

Turning Over A New Leaf

Kevin left for training early this morning, and all day I have been wallowing in my depression and boredom. As I finished crying for the millionth time today, I decided that I am not going to do this the whole time he is gone. I am going to keep up with my drawings & paintings, scrapbook, and maybe get back to blogging (obviously). I love Kevin and he and Mason are my life, BUT, I need to make Kevin less of my "LIFE". I need hobbies and things to do when he's gone. When he's home I focus all my energy into him and Mason and that's great- that's what I enjoy doing. Except that leaves me with a large void of "well, Kev's gone and Mason's asleep so what do I do with my time other than veg in front of the television?"

I think having hobbies is going to be a vital part of surviving the upcoming deployment. I need to have distractions and things I enjoy doing to keep me from focusing on the time he is gone. I picked up painting/drawing a few months ago, and I have really enjoyed that! I love how it feels to create something that I think up, even if it's mediocre at best :)! As I type this blog, I remember how good it feels to put my feelings down "on paper" so to speak.

So here goes, trying to put it all down and make sense of it, maybe help some fellow army wives along the way!

I really do believe what they tell me in FRG meetings WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!

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