1. **Learn to bake one thing sucessfully** ( i learned to make bread)
2. **Lose 40 pounds** (thank you pregnancy)
3. **Get Mason's name tattooed in Egyptian Hieroglyphs**
(amended I did get his name just not in Hieroglyphs)
4. Read 5 books that I wouldn't normally read
5. **Give up caffeine for one week** (it was HELL)
6. Volunteer at a retirement home/ visit gma payne
7. **Spend 1 day without TV**
8. Finish the first draft of my novel
9. Take Mason to Disneyland with Kevin
10. Make a quilt
11. Learn to knit or crochet
12. **Organize my bedroom**
13. **Buy lingere and wear it!**
14. Teach Mason to read
15. Start school
16. (Re)Learn French
17. **Let Mason eat cake or candy for breakfast a few times**
18. Watch The Godfather trilogy
19. **Make a new friend**
20. Be a better friend to those I have
21. **Write Kevin a letter once a week while he's in basic**
22. Go on a trip and truly relax
23. **Camp- rough it!**
24. Learn to snowboard
25. Play black jack in Vegas
25. Take a cruise
26. Keep going to the gym
27. Keep up on scrapbooking pictures of Mason
28. Make a will and living will- just in case
29. Finish my Children's book- illustrations and all
30. **Learn to love my body at any size**
31. Eat at least one fruit and one vegetable every day
32. Sing @ a public event
33. Take ballroom dancing classes
34. **Clean out my clutter**
35. **Fit into my wedding dress**
36. Get too small for my wedding dress
37. **Potty train Mason**
38. Go on a train ride
39. Try the no shampoo thing for a week
40. Save $500
41. Take a mulit-vitamin everyday
42. Eat vegetarian for 3 meals a week
43. Run a mile without stopping
44. Work at the soup kitchen
45. **Visit somewhere I've never been before** (i now live there!)
46. Go antique shopping
47. Cut the "F" word out of my vocabulary
48. Do a cleanse
49. See Glenn Beck live
50. Learn how to make Key Lime Pie
51. Don't Lie
52. Visit at least 3 haunted places from "The Encylopedia of Haunted Places"
53. Have a murder mystery themed birthday party
54. Read one of Kev's Ayn Rand philosiphy books
55. Face my fear of snakes
56. **Don't eat fast food for a month**
57. Give to March of Dimes, Breast Cancer, Diabetes and Primary Children's charities
58. Go to a Depeche Mode concert
59. Read "Defiance"
60. Skydive
61. Scubadive
62. Make a micro-loan
63. **Cry and not get mad at myself for doing so**
64. **Grow my hair out**
65. Re-Learn the piano
66. Write songs again
67. Write Thank You notes
68. Send Christmas cards
69. Be less critical of others
70. Get a massage
71. Pay off 50% of debt
72. Go out with a friend once a month
73. Write a memory from childhood every month for Mason to have
74. Send an article to local papers and try to get it published
75. Buy a set of NICE pots and pans
76. **Buy a NICE set of matching dishes**
77. Get excercise everyday
78. Re-Read "Atlas Shrugged" and keep a diary of feelings and thoughts
79. Get a puppy (preferably a Pekingese or Yorkie)
80. Make a family cook-book
81. Cook a new foreign country food once a month
82. Go to Caesars Palace in Las Vegas
83. See "LOVE" in Vegas
84. Go to Disney World
85. Throw a Luau
86. Understand Football better
87. Buy Mason a JAZZ jersey
88. Go to a Jazz game
89. Survive being married to the Military for 3 years
90. Meditate daily
91. Learn to Ice Skate
92. Eat at the Robert Mondavi restaurant in California Adventure
93. Eat at Emerils in the MGM grand
94. **Take Mason to the Zoo**
95. **Light a firework**
96. Throw myself a big birthday party at least once
97. Get my nails done and keep them on for at least a year
98. **Learn to french braid**
99. **Maintain ONE haircolor for more than 6 months**
100. **Pay for dinner at least once when out with my parents**
101. Buy myself flowers
** ** = done
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