Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Last Few Weeks

So Kevin has been training for the past 3 weeks and he comes home in a couple days! I am so excited to get back to "normal" around here! I have made a great new friend that I really enjoying spending time with, and it has really helped ease the hardships of Kevin being away this time. Our kids play really well together, and she & I never seem to run out of things to talk about! We ventured out to our FRG (family readiness group) meeting this week hoping to get to know more of the ladies in our FRG. It was a great experience even though there were only about 10 of us there, it was nice to see so many of us felt the same way while our men are gone. It really helps to know it's not only your child that acts up while their father is gone, or that it's not just in your life that the proverbial shit hits the fan the second they walk out the door! We talked about great ideas for our FRG as well like game nights, play dates and classes to help us learn how to do things like fix basic car & household problems. I am excited to get to spend more time with many of the ladies, they seem really nice.

The only thing great friends cannot ease is the loneliness of going to bed alone. It's hard to look to the right side of the bed and not see Kevin laying there. It's hard not to have someone to cuddle and kiss at night.

In some ways though, as bad as it sounds, it is easier to not have an extra person in the house. Less food to buy & prepare, less dishes, less laundry, and less mess! Though, I would gladly trade all of that to have Kevin home again.

All in all, it has been an alright few weeks without Kevin. I have had A LOT of help from my friends, and family, they've all pulled me out of some tight spots and I really appreciate all of them helping me out! Means a lot to know I'm not alone in all of this.


N said...

Those classes sound like a great idea! I would totally take a car class if it was offered in my area! Car stuff is so important for Moms to know! Especially Military & Single Moms! Glad to see that you are getting settled into things! Yay!

Mandi Cawley said...

I know! I'm totally excited about the classes. I brought it up because my car died the day after Kev left!